Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Doctors - Beibei, China

Beibei's weather is either hot and humid, or cool and wet. Not the best weather for me, but the warmness of the people make up for it. Maybe because of the damp cold, I have had a continuous cough for weeks. As a consequence, I've had some interesting medical adventures...

Doctor #1. I consider my massage therapist my first doctor. I happened upon him when John and Cheryl were here. I was looking for a relaxing massage; I found an acupressure professional. I've now gone to see him about six times. Without any words exchanged, he always hones in on what is wrong. My first visit, he attended to my neck which has always been weak. He has used both traditional massage and "hot jars" to soften up the knots there. Now he has been working on my Achilles tendon - and often spends time on my lymph system. He thinks he's going to help me get rid of my cough. The cough sticks around, but my neck and Achilles feel better!

Doctor #2. Since I cough a lot in class, my Chinese acquaintances try to help. One brought me some herbal packets. Another went all out; he guided me to his own doctor. His name is Doctor Li. He used to work in the campus hospital, but since retirement has focused solely on traditional Chinese medicine. My friend was with to interpret my symptoms.

Dr. Li took my pulse in several places on both arms. He looked at my tongue. Then, he started writing out a prescription. It contained twenty items! And, when I took it to the counter - a counter unlike those you've encountered - they spread a big plastic mat on the counter. Then, they went into bins, drawers, and doors and brought out those twenty items. There were herbs, metals, mushrooms, grasses, branches, and roots. I was told to cook this prescription and drink the juice (which I did). You can see what the kettle looked like before the "prescription" was cooked.

P.S. I still have the cough. (Connie)

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